Savor the moments
Social media use should be limited
The benefits of social media are infinite. Communication across the world can happen instantly and there’s an endless amount of knowledge right at our fingertips.
However, with innovations comes faults. As the world has seen from experience, too much of a good thing is a bad thing; this is the golden rule of moderation. It is also no surprise that social media is often criticized for “dumbing down” us younger generations. What many people don’t realize is how dangerous the effects of social media can truly be.
I think we can all agree that social media is very time-consuming. We spend a lot more time on social media than we are even aware of. But are we sure that social media is really worth all of this time?
I personally believe that you miss a lot of opportunities lack the true essence of life when you are constantly consumed with social media. In fact, you lose out on a lot of face to face interactions which is unhealthy.
Sometimes I look at my own friends, people who are excessive-“snapchatters” and think, “Whatever happened to enjoying the moment? Why do we feel the need to constantly document our lives for everyone to see?”
A recent study at University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine found that young adults who use more time on social media are more likely to be depressed. According to Dr. Silton, a professor at Loyola University Chicago, depression usually features a lack of feeling pleasure.
Furthermore, individuals who are depressed may lack feeling pleasure in what they do. Along with this is a lack of life and vitality. Ultimately, this may result in a more sedentary person. With a sedentary lifestyle and easy access to technology and more social media, this may result in a cycle of depression for the younger generations.
That being said, the best recipe to avoid depression and the symptoms that come with it is to delete your social media accounts, immediately. No, not exactly. Staying up to date with current studies and news can help educate oneself on what’s going on in the world.
However, I am a strong believer that too much time spent on Twitter can’t be good for you on a mental level, or even on a physical, social, and emotional level also.
Try savoring moments more often! We shouldn’t go to a concert just to watch the whole thing through our snapchat screens.