Celebrities’ impact on voting
Whenever there’s an election, celebrities voice out their opinions to persuade their fans to their side.
This Republican vs. Democrat battle is a very complicated ordeal in our society by itself and when celebrities voice their opinions I feel like it makes the public targets on the political battleground.
But this is not a bad thing because the more people are bulldozed into making a decision, the more likely they are to think about the pros and cons of both sides.
The idea that people create opinions based on others is called groupthink. Personally, I think this idea is a completely real theory and active in everyday life.
Whenever my mom shares her opinions with me on the problems going on in society, I always agree with her because she’s an influencer in my eyes. So people that have power in our lives whether it be family members or artists like Kanye West and Taylor Swift.
Kanye West has been known to publicly display his political opinions in places like Harvard University and the TMZ Studio. He rants about reality and how Trump is the best President to tell us how life really is.
West has such huge access to the public with 27 million followers on Twitter. After he posted a picture with a “Make America Great Again” hat, he had lost nine million, but that’s still a huge outlet he’s left with.
It’s essential for people of power, like West, to talk about these things because it helps them make decisions to fully support their wanted side.
Many U.S. citizens don’t vote because they don’t know enough about politics, but if celebrities voice out there’s a greater chance the public will get what they want in office.
Singers, actors and other celebrities are what most people look up to. So when Taylor Swift starts arguing in favor of feminism, most likely, her fans are going to agree and take part in her movement.
Chance The Rapper also is taking part in a smaller election for the new mayor of Chicago. He made it public that he wasn’t voting for Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle which is who his dad is supporting, but instead voting for Amara Enyia because she’s, “Somebody that’s about change and somebody that’s about our community.”
Another example would be Oprah Winfrey during Barack Obama’s election. She wrote a book on this exact topic and afterward was the result of an additional million votes for Obama in 2008.
The more I think about it the more I realize my opinions are based on others that have just convinced me, but that’s not a bad thing.
People like Beyoncé, Ellen DeGeneres and Leonardo DiCaprio are all influencers who’ve transitioned my opinion to liberal.
And the more Trump bashes racial groups, women and others the more I feel inclined to be more democratic.