I Said It: Taylor Swift is Overrated
Taylor Swift is by far the most overrated singer of our generation.

Taylor Swift performing during her Eras Tour
Taylor Swift is the most overrated singer of our generation.
Before you guys gather the pitchforks, this isn’t saying I hate her music, but in general, Swift gets a lot more hype than deserved.
A lot of her fans are obsessive and, let´s be completely honest, some of her songs are problematic and honestly overall, pretty mediocre.
The perfect example of this is in Taylor’s song “Better Than Revenge”.
She is putting down Camilla Belle for no other reason than the fact that she dated Joe Jonas after Swift.
The song is rude and shames Belle.
The lyric ¨She’s better known for the things that she does on the mattress¨ is downright girls putting down other girls, which Swift is very publicly against.
“Honestly, I think that I cheer on anybody who is living their life on their own terms, wearing what they want to wear and representing what they want to represent,” she said in an interview.
This all seems pretty interesting coming from someone who just a few years earlier wrote “Better than Revenge.”
She continues this in her song “You Belong With Me,” where she talks about how she’s better than her friend’s girlfriend, and while the song is very catchy (and may or may not be on my playlist) it’s very pick me, which is someone who bases their personality on being different and quirky.
“But she wears short skirts; I wear T-shirts; She’s cheer captain, and I’m on the bleachers” her famous lyric which gives the same energy as “I’m not like other girls.”
Being a pick-me is also not as pro-women as she claims to be.
Just because some girls like doing their makeup, wearing “short-skirts” and other typically feminine things, doesn’t make her superior for not liking those things.
She also pits her fans against all of her exes and anyone she thinks has wronged her (looking at you Jake Gyllenhaal because let’s be serious, a scarf is not worth all this drama).
She continuously destroys people’s reputations whenever she feels like they have done something wrong.
In her song “Mean” she goes off the rails on a music critic who (god-forbid) did his job and criticized her music.
Now you might say that it’s not her fault that her fans are crazy, but you come to a certain point of fame where you have to know the impact of everything you say.
She could’ve easily come out with some sort of statement saying to back off but she didn’t.
She’s been making some questionable dating decisions recently.
You would think after being wronged by every single guy she’s dated, she would decide it isn’t in her best interest to date a racist, homophobic misogynist, but I guess that definitely will make an interesting song.
Also, everyone brushed over Taylor’s weird relationship with Conor Kennedy.
They met when he was 17 and she was 22, and quickly began dating after his 18th birthday.
Now, that isn’t the worst age difference but the speculation behind her dating him was just due to her obsession with the Kennedy family.
A source close to the family told Radar Online, “[Taylor] was more obsessed with the idea of dating a Kennedy, than the actual Kennedy she was dating.”
For someone who writes dozens of songs about how she’s been wronged by every guy on the planet, you would think she wouldn’t use and abuse someone for his family.
Honestly, I’m sick of her acting like she isn’t one of the most famous singers of our generation.
She tries to seem down to earth but behind the scenes she has a private jet which produces more jet emissions than any other celebrity (including Kylie Jenner).
In an article written by Yard, celebrities are ranked on how much CO2 emissions they produce they state, “Taylor Swift might be today’s pop princess, but Yard’s research found that Miss Swift is the biggest celebrity CO2e polluter of this year so far.”
And before all the Swifties attack me saying she could’ve been on tour, I’ll be the first to tell you that she hadn’t been on tour at all that year.
Now I´m not going to say that I don’t feel bad for some of the criticism she´s received.
I think the music industry is laced with misogyny and she’s gone through a lot in the industry, but that doesn’t excuse the things she’s done.
Taylor Swift and all of her fans must be held accountable not just for how incredibly overrated her music is and all of her wrong-doings.
Jason • Dec 8, 2024 at 8:06 am
I realize I’m behind on this being you wrote this one year ago. Having said that …
I truly believe her mustic is very vanilla. It’s safe. If I had a daughter, I’d be fine with her listening to Taylor Swift.
Personally, and I am a musician who came a signature away from signing a record deal, I do think she has written some catchy songs with good hooks and melodies. But her most recent album, in my opinion, is not her best work.
What really irritates me, and maybe this was fake, but I saw somewhere not too long ago where she was ranked as one of the best “guitarists” of the past 20 years. That’s ridiculous.
That’s taking it way too far when you have someone picking up an acoustic guitar and slinging out chords in the same key to offer up a new song. Hell, I do that.
Rosie • Jan 3, 2024 at 6:33 am
Today the question ” is TS overrated” was stuck in my mind, and I start digging the internet to try understand why I didn’t like her as performance and entertainer, and I found this article.
Most of the things I didn’t know mostly because I don’t listen TS, and if I did ever it was because I was stuck in party or because I was forced to listening while driving or something. and boy I tried to giver her work a chance but I feel like I’m stuck in some teenager movie.
This is a great article that highlight some points. thank you for sharing your words and some of our words. We are official part of the group of people that she calls “Mean”
Katie • Dec 28, 2023 at 1:06 pm
I agree taylor swift is way over rated! Her music is decent but she is not the best and I feel as if she is way over rated.
Kristen • Nov 17, 2023 at 5:54 pm
I am an elder millennial and so I was about 24-25 when her first album came out. My mom bought it for me which I thought was sweet but I never listened to it that much. I saw her in concert in 2015 and I must say it was a great show! But still, I couldn’t love her music the way I have seen all the other swifties. In 2021, I had my baby and it landed me in the hospital for some complications – her newer songs that had just came out really resonated with me while I was stuck recovering from surgery. So, Taylor’s songs have sort of come and gone in and out of my life for the last nearly 18 years. I agree, the youngest set of Swifties are pretty intolerable but I guess there are worse things, right? I remember I was in LOVE with the Beatles growing up and remember Beatlemania? (Well, I wasn’t alive for the original Beatlemania), but it was pretty insane. If only Taylor could write those kinds of songs!
Francesco • Nov 8, 2023 at 9:59 am
She’s a 300 stock being shoved in our faces as if she were a 1,000 stock. Good entertainer? Sure! Are some of her songs catchy? Sure! She also has a co-author on 60% of her tunes and has even been regarded as an “industry plant.” Maybe, it’s that she passes herself off as some prolific songwriter (like a Bob Dylan) instead of just being what she is. This is where that plus her cult makes her come off an inauthentic. Great article and thank you for saying what many feel.
gabriela • Oct 27, 2023 at 3:21 pm
i found my people!
Rain Rich • Oct 14, 2023 at 11:36 pm
More power to her for her success, money, beauty, etc.
However, I find her music mediocre and do not undertand what all the hoopla is about.
Not the best singer, nor dancer. She seems clunky and off-time often.
But, like I said more power to her.
Chelle • Oct 14, 2023 at 12:13 am
Me googling, “Taylor Swift is overrated” and this article comes up. Thank you. She is so overrated. Her music is catchy, but it a not good music. It’s passive and sometimes outright aggressive. I don’t get it.
Brianna • Oct 10, 2023 at 10:48 pm
I agree 100%! Her music isn’t necessarily bad, but it’s problematic, her putting down other girls in her music, and people cheering her one kinda gives me the ick. She is so overhyped, it’s honestly crazy to me. And the words spreading abt her being ‘demonic’ is making me confused. I don’t care, I just wish she’d stop making her music so problematic and using the excuse, “it’s for entertainment.”
Claire • Oct 8, 2023 at 10:01 am
Seriously love this article

Donkey kong • Oct 5, 2023 at 11:31 am
Jimminy crickets! As a super swifty i didint know my dearest tayley would do such acts! My guurl would NEVER!!! this is obvi nipicking and baist. She is singlehandly saving out generation.
Jayla • Sep 25, 2023 at 5:04 pm
Oh I could not agree more.
Taylor Swift is a gawky, thin voiced freak. Her “lyrics” are juvenile, clumsy and quite cringeworthy in fact.
If this is what qualifies as “great pop “, I am ashamed.
Melissa Bever • Oct 23, 2023 at 9:55 pm
This is great!
taylor swift is over rated • Sep 20, 2023 at 9:26 pm
I completely agree with you. What is it with all the swifties?
wbs • Sep 14, 2023 at 10:35 am
I agree.
Whoooo • Sep 9, 2023 at 10:07 am
Honestly, I do not like Taylor Swifts Music. The best singer out there was Whitney Houston OBVIOUSLY. Her range is odd and she just doesn’t write songs that everybody will love. She is a show off, and honestly, doesn’t acknowledge that she could make some improvements to that voice of hers. I don’t really like her, and I hope that she will learn some humility.
Kaliah • Jul 25, 2023 at 7:44 am
Yes 100% I agree some of her music can be mean and rude but all the effort she has but in her music is incredible but there are so many people that love her and so many people that hate her I’m in the middle yes she is overrated but I still enjoy her music.
Daejulie • Jul 24, 2023 at 5:11 pm
I totally agree with this-her music is about nothing but past relationships and how is that great music? There is no real musicality in her songs either. She has cast a spell on millions and they don’t realize they are listening to mediocre. Try some music that actually means something beyond this woman’s relationships. Boring!!!!!
sissy • Jul 24, 2023 at 9:16 am
You forgot to mention she’s not a good vocalist which really bugs me.
Tiffany Beaulieu • Jul 8, 2023 at 2:41 pm
No the song better then revenge is because she was still with Joe and then she practically stole him from her so yeah you are wrong and sorry this sounds rude but don’t mind me I’m just a fan a the most overrated artist who also happens to over 230 song so maybe people like her different styles and genres like country and pop and another thing is that she is so relatable and funny and she has worked so hard for everything she has so maybe instead of shaming her for actually know how to sing and play instruments maybe congratulate her for what she has work for since 2013
Dan • Jul 8, 2023 at 1:01 pm
You are so right. Taylor Swift is one of the most overrated singer “song writers” in decades. Her music and songs are average at best. She and her generation seem to believe that they’ve invented the wheel. If any of them were to truly study the great bands, musicians and songwriters of the 60’s and 70’s they would simply have to face the truth and admit that they completely pale in comparison. As a matter of fact, there IS NO COMPARISON.
Rosella Tyler • Oct 16, 2023 at 8:11 am
Unfortunately, I am the same generation as her. We don’t think we invented the wheel for the most part but we have found better ways and faster ways to success through technology. That said I don’t listen to anything made after the 90’s really . She’s obnoxious and the girl next door act is stale and old . She is only mediocre and her fans don’t see it . The strange mob mentality of certain awful “ artists” ( Taylor , Nicki Minaj, Cardi…etc) seems to be a big issue of my generation unfortunately. I was definitely born in the wrong time .
Eddie Nichols • Jun 5, 2023 at 9:06 am
overrated is an understatement. songs are bland and rather boring. the fans who are obsessed are mainly young girls looking for a model Taylor is not that all I actually think she’s a bit of a hypocrite, trying to appear wholesome and sweet while her songs are personal attacks on ex boyfriends and others. The fans all take her side, she can do no wrong in their eyes which is a reflection on today’s society
Katie • Dec 28, 2023 at 1:13 pm
I could not agree less!