Stop Making Light of Mental Illness


There is a multitude of things that irritate me in life such as the state of Michigan or racists, but something that digs underneath my skin is melodramatic, insensitive people.
There are certain sayings that I can definitely get with such as “It’s lit” or “Netflix and Chill,” but you do not make fun of someone’s illness.

Saying things like “I’m depressed” and “I’m OCD” or “My teacher is bipolar,” more often than not, can be something that everyday people say without malicious intent.
However, some people’s everyday struggle isn’t a bracelet you can put on to complete your outfit of reasons.
According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, one out of four teens experience depression some time in their adolescence.
Just like other diseases, mental illnesses can affect people differently. Some cases can be mild and others can be incredibly severe. Suicide isn’t uncommon among those who suffer from it.
Another survey conducted by said that 34 percent of teens have lied about having a mental condition.
These illnesses can vary from anxiety, mood, personality and eating disorders to depression or addictions.
If you are one of the 66 percent of teens who lied about having a mental illness, cut it out.

It’s not cool or trendy to make light of a serious personal struggle people have.
Let’s say you were one of those people who experience the raw everyday struggle of depression, and one of your friends said they were “depressed” because Starbucks ran out of caramel drizzle.
One, if Starbucks ever runs out of caramel, get out, the world is ending.
Two, there is no issue in saying you are “sad” or “upset” so please don’t be afraid to use them.
Let’s be real here, you don’t want these illnesses anymore than the people who have them. As someone who has family members affected by depression and addiction, I don’t take kindly to people labeling themselves for no reason.
Saying such things so nonchalantly is not only a slap in the face to those who do have it but it is not something that you want to say so boldly, especially when it’s not true.
You don’t have a choice in developing an illness or disorder but surely you have control over what you say.