Final break given to AP, IB students


It’s hard out here for a student, so the administration has tried to make it easier.
H-F decided AP/IB students who take the AP exam in May can opt out of the class final. Administrators said they were concerned with student stress and redundant testing.
Director of Curriculum Nancy Spaniak, says there was concern for AP and IB students “experiencing the stress of over-testing.”
“We are hoping that this practice will relieve the end-of-year stress felt by students taking AP and/or IB exams,” Spaniak said.
AP and IB teachers were surveyed whether they think students need to take multiple exams at the end of the year.
In response to the statement, “Between the AP exams, IB end-of-course assessments and final exams our students take in the spring, I feel they are over-tested,” 61.5 percent of the AP and IB teachers either agreed or strongly agreed, 26.5 percent were neutral, and 12.9 percent either disagreed or strongly disagreed.
When asked if they believed there is extra value in students taking second semester final exams for classes in which they have taken AP or IB end-of-course assessments, 28.2 percent responded yes, 46.2 percent responded no and 25.6 percent were not sure.
Senior Melanie Gaines says she is relieved that she does not have to take both her AP Psychology exam and final.
“It’s less stressful,” Gaines said. “The AP exam is basically a final on steroids.”
Students who decide to opt out of the final will only be graded on their third and fourth quarter grades, making each worth 50 percent of the final grade, rather than the standard 40-40-20.
Students who take the exam still have the option to take the final if they wish to try and raise their grade.
Junior Olivia Ryan says not taking the final can take away the “possibility of bombing it,” but she still plans to take her two finals along with her AP exams to raise her grade.
Since the new change, more students have decided to take the AP exam. Before, 517 students were taking AP exams. Now 550 students are taking them. Juniors are taking the most total exams, 221, and seniors are behind them with 156.
The Assessments Chair David Kush, Assessments Department Chair, gives two basic reasons why it’s important to take AP exams.
“You may get college credit,” Kush said. “I suggest students take the exam even if their college doesn›t accept it. For a variety of reasons, people change colleges and majors, and it will never hurt to have that credit.”
Kush’s second reason for taking the test is the personal satisfaction.
“This is a great opportunity to demonstrate to yourself what you›ve learned and what you›re capable of, even if you don›t feel 100 percent confident about everything,” Kush said.
AP exams will be held from May 2 to 6, and it’s highly recommended students in the classes take the exam.
It has not been confirmed yet whether or not H-F will continue this new practice, but will be put in place this year.
Overall taking these exams are designed to advance students since they take the classes.
“There may come a point you regret not taking the test, but it›s not likely you›ll look back some day and wish you had not taken the exam,” Kush said.

Assessments Chair David Kush gives two basic reasons why it’s important to take AP exams.
“You may get college credit,” Kush said. “I suggest students take the exam even if their college doesn’t accept it. For a variety of reasons, people change colleges and majors, and it will never hurt to have that credit.”
Kush’s second reason for taking the test is the personal satisfaction.
“This is a great opportunity to demonstrate to yourself what you’ve learned and what you’re capable of, even if you don’t feel 100 percent confident about everything,” Kush said.
AP exams will be held from May 2 to 6, and it’s highly recommended that students in the classes take the exam.
It has not been confirmed yet whether or not H-F will continue this new practice, but it will be put in place this year.
“There may come a point [where] you regret not taking the test, but it’s not likely you’ll look back some day and wish you had not taken the exam,” Kush said.