Just Google It


We are the age of the internet; most of us have grown up with access to technology and have never really known anything else.

Our first response to a question is to go to Google, or Bing if you’re boujee.
Is this the right way to answer our questions though?

Generations before us went out and found answers themselves. Why don’t we?
Could this be our road-block or is it our path to success?

Past generations had to start from scratch and use their curiosity to motivate them.
Curiosity has elevated humans way of thinking in the world and assisted past generations to discover and uncover unknown knowledge.

The internet helps decrease so much of that curiosity that’s in our natural human nature. That instant relief has so many positives like being able to finish assignments quickly or interacting with people far away from us.

But negatives also follow along with these positives. The internet also makes us lazier and less apt to use curiosity to actually figure out answers to our questions ourselves. According to the Pew Research Center, 85 percent of teens ages 13 to 17 use Youtube. 32 percent said they use it most often out of all other internet resources.

Youtube, just like Google, can be a wonderful tool for our society to help us learn new things and develop new ideas. But this can only go so far with creativity aspects, as pupils of society we mimic and copy many of the things we learn in which we don’t have enough room for creative thinking.
The internet is like a huge encyclopedia.

It has all the information we need, but is it in excess? It has brought everyone to the point where if someone asks, “How many weeks are in a year?” the average response now is, “Just Google it.”
Instead of benefiting our brains by doing some easy math, we take the easy way out and just type it into Google.

This steady lifestyle of being lethargic is already creating a future of groupthink.
Groupthink is the practice of thinking or making decisions as a group in a way that discourages creativity or individual responsibility.

This simple phrase has affected our lives and the classroom setting.

When we have a task we don’t think about it to create something ourselves but instead, we go straight to Google to find things other people have already done.

Whether it be building a mouse trap car in physics or selecting our word choice for an essay on Frankenstein, all of our ideas come from other sources.

We can fix this idea of groupthink by putting our phones down, computers away and creating new ideas for ourselves.

Creativity develops from curiosity, and the internet snatches this away from us.