Finals Go Virtual

Graphic by Emma Murphy

H-F recently announced that students will be taking finals and they will be conducted virtually. 

Finals this year are going to look a lot different than finals in the spring. 

“This semester, teacher teams are designing final exams that are culminating experiences for the core learning in the course,” curriculum director Jennifer Hester said. 

H-F does not have a school-wide policy on creating final exams; this is decided per department. Teachers create the final exams and then they are approved by the department chair. 

Teachers are making exams that are performance-based assessments or projects. Some teachers are also having written responses, reflections, short response and selected response  questions. 

The exam slot time is set for a two hour period though it is not expected that the teacher create a two hour long test. 

“Teachers are carefully considering the best ways that students can represent their learning in the remote setting while minimizing student stress and screen time,” Hester said. 

Each class will have a two hour time slot to conduct the final exam. On Monday Dec. 14 periods 1 and 2 will hold their exams, Dec. 15 periods 3 and 4, Dec. 16 period 5 and 6 and  Dec. 17 period 7 will be the last final of the week. If a student misses a final they will be able to make it up 12-2 p.m. on Dec. 17 and during the day on Dec. 18. 

Each day there will be a 30 minute break, 11:00-11:30 a.m., for lunch each day. 

Students who know they are going to miss an exam need to communicate with their teachers and associate principal Craig Fantin before finals week. 

The grading scale will be the same as past semesters. The students first quarter grade will be worth 40 percent of the final grade, the second quarter grade will be worth 40 percent of the final grade and the final exam will be 20 percent of the final grade. If a student does not take an exam they will receive a 0 percent for that exam.