Parade of Champions brings mixed reviews

Parade of Champions brings mixed reviews

Athletic Director Dan Vosnos’s new tradition of honoring State qualifiers with a parade through the hallways has provoked mixed emotions from students.

Vosnos said it’s a good way to recognize hard work and success. This year, football, tennis, golf and swimming were honored.

“When our student-athletes and activity participants achieve success at the State level, they should be celebrated in front of their peers and teachers,” he said.

Junior Bryce Gray, the football team’s starting quarterback, said the Dec. 6 parade was a great experience.

“It was nice seeing the support the school had for us,” he said. “We definitely expect to go back to State next year, but we expect to win it.”

Junior Tyler Newkirk,  a defensive end on the football team, is still disappointed over the team’s loss but says the parade was healing.

“We still  have bitter tastes in our mouths from the loss we took, but I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the whole school excited,” Newkirk said. “It helped me to recuperate and get over the loss.”

But junior Sophie O’Connor says it’s pointless, and that it was mainly centered around the football team’s accomplishments.

“I feel like it was kind of unnecessary because it was just because of football,” O’Connor said. “The other years, we have not had this Parade of Champions, even though other teams have gone to State.”

Some question whether the tradition will last.

“I’m not excited  about the tradition because it’s just a waste of time,” senior Austin Harris said.