This year has been like no other. We adapted to online school and then in March, we were welcomed back into the building. A day in the life of a student this year is completely different than years past. From temperature checks to walking the path with only a few people in sight, and only being in class with up to 10 other students this year has looked completely different.
Here’s a look at what a day might look like for students in person.
Right when you enter either north or south for the morning you are welcomed with a staff member who checks to make sure you filled out the info dynamics survey and to take your temperature. There are signs throughout the building telling you to social distance and wear your mask.As you continue through the building there are signs and arrows reminding you to social distance, to wear your mask and to walk on the right side of the hallway. This ensures students are following all COVID-19 and safety protocols.When you enter and leave your classrooms, your teachers instruct you to wipe down your desk and chair. There is also hand sanitizer in every classroom in case students want to sanitize their hands at any point during the day.To maintain social distance while walking the path, H-F put large arrows on the ground instructing students which way they should be walking and on which side of the path they should be walking on. This year there is a reduced number of students in the building and the path shows those reduced numbers. In the picture above, Senior Ellery Homrich walks to class with no other students around her.Some students opted out of coming back into the building for in-person classes creating an interesting learning and teaching environment. To include all students (remote and in-person) teachers have in-person students join the google meet to participate in conversations with the remote students. The picture above is a Special Education Vocational Skills class where I am a peer leader in.Senior Chloe Castady works on her computer in AP Environmental Science class. She was designing a sustainable city to present as a final project for the class.This year has been unlike no other, especially for the senior class. These unprecedented times did not stop seniors from having a good time. Seniors Faith Lee and Evan Walker pose for a picture in their University of Illinois swag for College Decision Day.
March is National Women's History Month, and what do girls love the most? Pants. Surprisingly, women's pants helped women start movements and dress th...