Travis Scott as the Astroworld scapegoat?

“Astroworld” to many was supposed to be the concert/festival of the year. However, the events that took place, the lives that were taken and the possible lives that will now be altered by bad memories and serious injuries are proof that this was not the case.

Astroworld was a concert produced and headlined by Travis Scott to take place over the course of two days in Houston, Texas at the NRG park.

Scott is an American rapper with the reputation of rowdy crowds, mosh pits and crowd surfing. Despite this his fans were loyal and bought tickets to his concert. The concert was in no way age restricted either. In total there were 100,000 tickets sold to the public. Each day of this event was to only be attended by 50,000 people at a time.

However, that wasn’t what was marketed. Scott’ promo video for the concert was mixed clips from the 2019 concert that also ended with fatalities. In the video you see people jumping over gates, jumping into the crowd, running into people and throwing things. Was Scott promoting that same chaotic behavior on purpose?

As Scott took the stage the crowd lived up to its reputation. A complete loss of common sense, human decency and morals then followed soon after. The people began to scrunch together to the extent of extreme difficulty breathing. A “surge” had begun to get to the stage and from there it was downhill.
Amongst that crowd of over 50,000 people, sadly, in counting there were 10 killed, 17 were hospitalized in critical condition and hundreds of people were injured. The youngest out of that handful being a nine year old child. With more than 50,000 people in the stadium more than 70% of its space was then taken up.

We curious persons would like to know what exactly happened and why there was no one to help. Videos have been shared, uploaded, reposted and much more of this event. One of my main takeaways is that Scott and his security were simply unbothered by this seemingly normal occurrence to get to the stage. Who is truly to blame for this monstrosity of an event?

My answer to you is everyone. Rather it be the crowd, the performer or the security they have all caused the loss of many. Not just lives have been claimed, the opportunity to safely enjoy and witness a beloved performer was taken away from everyone. Scott had security but there were none helping the crowd. The crowd had each other, yet most lacked decency to help.

It wasn’t until someone hopped on stage screaming “people need help” that Scott turned the music down and helped one person and in response to the man sarcastically asked “what are we here for?”. I’m sure not in any way expected to later be informed that people were trampled, killed, injured and passed out during his performance.

However, that’s exactly what took place. After the fact Scott responded with a video of him apologizing. In the video he held a tone that bore no emotion, with the body language of sarcasm. The apology video was completely un-heartfelt.

Within the next 24 hours of the initial apology came statements that should’ve come before anything else. Scott had announced a full refund to everyone who had bought a ticket to his concert. He had even said that he intended to help with all funeral costs for those who lost their lives from the chaos at Astroworld.

The question still lies, who’s truly at fault for this catastrophe? Simply put, that might be something that’s up in arms for a while. Although, if you let the 40+ lawsuits tell it, Scott is at fault and needs to pay.

Regardless, there is still the case of the 10 people who have fallen victim to the concert’s mayhem. My sincerest condolences to the families and friends of Danish Baig, Rudy Pena, Madison Dubiski, Franco Patino, Jacob Jurinek, John Hilgert, Bharti Shahani, Axel Acosta and Ezra Blount. Patino & Jurinek are both Illinois natives.