H-F Boys Soccer Season Kicks Into Action

Photo courtesy of Ava Loudon

The H-F boys varsity soccer team during practice.

The H-F soccer team is off to a rocky start this season with a record of 4-5-1 with senior Nolan McNellis as co-captain. 

However, the team is not without ideas as to how to get better. Senior Jose Serrato acknowledged that they need to work on positioning while McNellis believes that “Communication on the field and being on the same page [is something that they can do to improve]. There have been a few times where several people will go for the same pass which can cause congestion on the field.”

Junior Ayinde Kidd has other ideas on what the team needs to work on.

“I think we need to work on our focus and drive late in games. The team that’s going to be able to lock into their roles on the field, and combine as a team while extremely fatigued, is the team that’s going to win.”

Though, not all is bad, and the team definitely has their strengths that make them stand out.

“One quality that sets this team apart is their grit and desire to represent our colors come gameday,” coach Jairo Garcia said.

Also, “our ability to go forward on the outside of the pitch. We have a lot of individual talent on the wings and our fullbacks that allow us to play down the line very well,” Kidd says in regards to one of the team’s strengths.

And, of course, members of the team have some of their favorite things about playing together.

Both McNellis and Serrato agree that they enjoy “coming together as a team both on and off the field.”

McNellis recalls specifically having fun going out for team dinners and coordinating group pasta parties.

Being some of the main leaders of the team, Garcia and McNellis hope to pass down and teach certain qualities to the players. 

“I’m captain, so teaching leadership and leading by example for when the people under me take over,” stated Mcnellis.

“As a coach I hope to further ignite the passion for the sport and motivate the entire program to continue to do their part to turn this program into one where our expectations include titles and trophies.” said Garcia.

Garcia has high expectations and hopes for the season as a whole.

“A goal we have this season is to continue to take strides in our development and hopefully see a bigger improvement with a whole year under our belt now. Playing well and getting positive results against some of the “big dogs” (Lockport, Sandburg, Lincoln Way Central, Bloom etc..) is something that has been highly emphasized this season.”

Quickly approaching the end of the season, the team is optimistic about improving their record, and we will be rooting for them from the sidelines.