Surviving V-day without a bae

Taiylar Ball

More stories from Taiylar Ball

Talking Bae With Taiy
September 30, 2015

Red and pink blind the way. Girls walk the path with huge bears and balloons.

People are hugging, kissing, and getting touchy-feely.

If you’re single, you probably are going to hate St. Valentine’s Day.

But look on the bright side, the “festival of love” is on a Saturday this year, so you won’t have to see those annoying couples in the hallway or on the path. Horray!

Some people are going to treat it like a regular day, but others will sulk in their pajamas, watch reruns in their bed, and eat ice cream.

That’s pretty depressing.

Despite the couple-oriented aura, there are things you can do to celebrate with the one person you love the most: yourself!

Splurge on yourself and buy some new clothes. Or get pampered and eat a nice dinner at home. Staying at home and watching Netflix or on demand and eating popcorn is not a bad idea either.

You can catch up on shows you have missed and it will take your mind off the fact that you are single.

Going to find social events to get your mind off of things is great too.

Going to a party will distract you from the fact that you’re single, in addition to that you realize that you are not the only single person.

If no one is having a party be the one to have it and invite single people who may be in the same predicament as you.

Embrace your singleness.

It can be a bummer to be single on Valentine’s Day, but only if you allow it to be. If you’re single on

Valentine’s Day you should definitely make the best of it.

If none of this works, you can always go out with your friends that are in a relationship and third wheel. Couples always need a good photographer!